Oranda goldfish


Size of fish – inches: 7.0 inches (17.78 cm)
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L)
Temperament: Peaceful Aquarium Hardiness:Moderately hardy
Temperature: 65.0 to 72.0° F (18.3 to 22.2° C)
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate
The goldfish of today are descendants of a wild carp fish, known as the Prussian Carp, Silver Prussian carp, or Gibel Carp Carassius gibelio (syn: Carassius auratus gibelio) which was described by Bloch in 1782. For many years it was believed that goldfish had originated from the Crucian Carp or Golden Carp Carassius auratus auratus described by Linnaeus in 1758, but more recent research is pointing toward the former.

These wild carp originated in Asia; Central Asia (siberia). They inhabit the slow moving and stagnant waters of rivers, lakes, ponds, and ditches feeding on plants, detritus, small crustaceans, and insects. In the early 1500’s these fish were exported first to Japan and then to Europe and were developed into the wonderful colors and forms of gold fish we see today. The Oranda Goldfish is one of the older varieties of fancy goldfish, today there are more than 125 captive bred fancy varieties.
Scientific Name: Carassius auratus auratus
Social Grouping: Groups
IUCN Red List: NE – Not Evaluated or not listed – There are no wild populations of this captive bred variety.

posted by ajayi oladele nurudeen (AON)

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