Parrot fish


Scientific Name : none, a Hybrid Cichlid
Common Names : Blood Red Parrot, Bloody Parrot
Care Level : Moderate
Size : 8″ (20 cm)
pH : 6.5 – 7.0
Temperature : 72-82F (22-28C)
Lifespan : about 10 years
Origin / Habitat : Man-made, not present in Nature,
but Parents are South American Cichlids
Temperament / Behavior : Peaceful


Breeding : Males are usually infertile. Can be bred
with Midas, Severum and Convict Cichlids.Egg
layer, open Breeder.
Aquarium Size : Minimum 42 gallons, additional 10
gallons for each thereafter.
Red Parrot Cichlid Tank Mates : non aggressive
fish species.
Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease
Diet / Fish Food : omnivore, see above for more
Tank Region : Bottom- mid dweller
Gender : Even for experts, it is nearly impossible to
sex them. Usually the only way is by dissection, or
if they happen to lay eggs (an unlikely
Similar Species : Cichlids

posted by ajayi oladele nurudeen (AON)

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